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Name Specialization Province Private commissions?
Marie-Lou Beauchamp Photographs, Paper ON
Camille Beaudoin Metals QC
Kathleen (Kathy) Bond Objects ON
Carole Breckler Metals QC
Barry Briggs Paintings, Fine Arts Collections ON
Mireille Brulotte Wood QC
Margot Brunn Mixed Collections AB
Lauren Buttle Paper BC
Jennifer Cheney Paintings ON
Elizabeth Cloutier Stone and derivatives QC
Aude Connord Sculpture, Outdoor bronzes, Metals QC
Charlie Costain Analysis, Environment ON
Wendy Crawford Paintings ON
Laszlo Cser Paintings ON
Cailin Cser Paper ON
Colleen Day Objects, Archaeological Materials BC
Wendy de Feydeau Paper, Paintings Switzerland
Rachel Dessaints Textiles QC
Vincent Dion Paper Ontario
A. Jane Dosman Paper ON
Alison Douglas Paintings ON
Heather Dumka Objects AB
Shirley Ellis Textiles AB
Tiffany Eng Moore Books, Archival Materials ON
Aliaksei Fedarenka Stone and derivatives ON
Élisabeth Forest Paintings QC
Alexander Gabov Sculpture ON
Laurence Gagné Sculpture QC
Ann Marlène Gagnon Paintings QC
Michelle Gallinger Paintings NS
Majid Ghazian Metals ON
Fiona Graham Preventive Conservation ON
Anita Henry Paintings QC
Gregory Hill Photographs, Archival Materials ON
Gregory Howarth Paintings United Kingdom
Lisa Isley Books AB
Elizabeth Jablonski Paintings NS
Monika Jankowiak Sculpture, Stone and derivatives, Fine Arts Collections, Polychrome Sculpture, Outdoor bronzes, Objects, Metals, Wood, Mixed Collections, Archaeological Materials, Furniture, Preventive Conservation, Conservation Management ON
Sonia Kata Textiles QC
Greg Kelley Furniture ON
Emy Kim Objects ON
Diana Komejan Mixed Collections NS
Wojciech Kulikowski Paintings, Polychrome Sculpture, Outdoor bronzes ON
Cyndie Lack Paintings BC
Jessica Lafrance-Hwang Objects QC
Simon Lambert Preventive Conservation ON
Julia Landry Archival Materials NS
Anne Lapointe Paintings, Murals, Architectural Finishes QC
Myriam Lavoie Sculpture, Murals, Outdoor bronzes, Objects, Metals, Conservation Management QC
Kasey Lee Objects, Analysis, Environment, Preventive Conservation, Conservation Management BC
Miki Lee Preventive Conservation NL
Patrick Legris Paintings ON
Carmen Li Objects, Preventive Conservation AB
Chloé Lucas Photographs ON
Anne MacKay Sculpture QC
Anne Maheux Fine Art on Paper ON
John McElhone Photographs ON
Esther Méthé Textiles NS
Bethany Jo Mikelait Paintings ON
Donald Murchison Sculpture, Paintings AB
Michael O'Malley Paintings QC
Isabelle Paradis Sculpture, Stone and derivatives, Polychrome Sculpture, Architectural Finishes QC
Janice Passafiume Paper, Paintings ON
Emmanuelle A. Perron Paintings QC
Marie-Chantale Poisson Sculpture, Paintings QC
Stephanie Porto Paper ON
Katherine Potapova Paper AB
Melissa Potter Paper ON
Barbara A. Ramsay Paintings, Wall Paintings, Murals, Conservation Management United States
Jacqueline Riddle Objects ON
Sophie Roberge Paintings QC
Jennifer Robertson Paper, Books ON
Terry Rutherford Paper, Books, Preventive Conservation BC
Ann Shaftel Thangkas NS
Veronique Belon Slougui Archival Materials ON
Heidi Sobol Paintings ON
Catherine Stewart Paintings NS
Dee Stubbs-Lee Objects NB
Aimie Turcotte Paintings QC
Robert Waller Mineralogical Collections ON
Marianne Webb Polychrome Sculpture, Objects, Lacquer BC