Apply for Membership
The CAPC accreditation process is straightforward. It involves sending in an application package; having your portfolio peer-reviewed; interviewing with CAPC to discuss your portfolio and practice; and paying your registration fees.
Membership applications are accepted at any time and should be sent to the Accreditation Director (email: accreditation@capc-acrp.ca). All applications are kept strictly confidential. Applications can be submitted electronically using a file-sharing site such as Google Drive or Dropbox, or a USB storage device.
Application Package
The formal application requires that a candidate submit the following:
- A completed Application Form.
- Supporting documents. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide supporting documents for all the information contained within the Application Form. The Accreditation Committee shall verify that the application contains all the information required. The Board of Examiners will then decide on the adequacy of the documentation and, as needed, request additional documents such as confirmation letters of internships, work placements and projects completed.
- An application fee must be remitted before holding the Examination, and should generally be sent along with the application form and the supporting documents. This application fee is currently $100.00 per specialty. Upon successful completion of the Examination, a registration fee must be remitted.
- A portfolio of treatments or projects completed by the applicant.
Contents of Portfolio
Applicants for CAPC accreditation can include examples of conservation documentation listed below in the portfolio. Any information that is considered sensitive and/or confidential can be redacted or omitted.
Portfolios may include:
- Conservation assessments or condition reports
- Treatment reports
- Preventive Conservation Reports
- Collections Surveys with Evaluations and Recommendations
Candidates are encouraged to present portfolios that demonstrate a range and variety of treatments and projects.
Conservation Documentation Guidelines
The Board of Examination
The Accreditation Director will set up a Board of Examination (BoE) for the applicant. A BoE consists of a minimum of four members of CAPC: two Standing Members and two Ad Hoc Members. There may be more than four members of the Board, and some examiners may not be members of CAPC in select cases based on the specialization sought and the language of the interview. One Standing Member acts as the Chair of the Board, and one Standing Member acts as Recording Secretary. The other examiners are usually CAPC members who are accredited in the same specialty as the applicant.
In order to preserve the confidentiality of the application, the members of the BoE will not learn the identity of the applicant until the applicant has approved the makeup of the BoE.
Once the applicant has approved the members of the BoE, the application materials and portfolio are sent to the BoE, and the BoE is given adequate time to examine the application. The Accreditation Director sets up a time for the applicant's interview at a time mutually convenient to all. Interviews may be in person or via video conferencing software, such as Skype. All interviews are recorded.
The examination is directed at establishing the applicant's professional competence and ability to take responsibility for the initiation and execution of conservation projects of a practical, scientific or managerial nature. It is designed to assess the applicant's knowledge, abilities and ethical principles. It has two main sections. The first concerns general knowledge and principles common to all professionals in the field of conservation. The second concerns the knowledge, ability and standards of practice specific to the applicant's area(s) of specialization. More details on the examination can be found in the Rules and Regulations Governing Membership in the CAPC Bylaws.
After the Board of Examination
Once the examination is completed, the BoE members discuss the application and come to a decision to accept or not accept the candidate. A BoE report is written and approved by all BoE members, and sent to the Accreditation Director, who them reports to the Board of Directors of CAPC. The result is communicated to the candidate in a letter from the CAPC President. If a BoE decides that a candidate should not be accepted, the identity of the candidate is withheld from the CAPC Board of Directors.
Applicants who are accepted become Professional Members of CAPC once they have paid a registration fee (currently $125.00). If registering between January 1st and June 30th, an annual membership fee is due the following year. If registering between July 1st and December 31st, the following year’s membership fee is included with the registration fee. Thereafter, the annual CAPC membership renewal fee is currently $125.00.