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Lisa Isley

Accredited in 2015, conservator, specialization in books. Experience in bound materials of all periods as fine binder and conservator. Paper Conservator for Glenbow. Professional Associate member of American Institute for Conservation in Book and Paper. Services include preventive and interventive conservation, reproductions, assessments, surveys, lectures, workshops, preservation planning. Has a background in finance and project management experience. Clients include museums, archives, and libraries, private and corporate collections. Services provided in English and French. Private commissions accepted.

Results-focused conservation professional accredited in Canada and the United States. Over 10 years of institutional and private practice experience in preventive and interventive (book, paper and archives) conservation. Proficient in leveraging business and project management experience to find practical cost-effective solutions that meet conservation standards and organizational goals. Strong work ethic and enthusiasm for sharing art and conservation with the public. Experience in public and contemporary art. Adept at managing concurrent objectives to promote efficiency and influence positive outcomes.

Able to work in the United States and Canada, will travel. Services are provided in English and French. Private commissions accepted. Portfolio of specific treatments or works available.

City of Calgary
Calgary, AB
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Works on Paper, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, d'une culture non occidentale, Aquarelle, Estampe, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, Dessin, Oeuvre d'art, Gravure, Craie, Fusain, Aquatinte, Gouache, Encre, Gravure à l'eau forte, Impression en taille-douce, Estampe d'art inuit, Gravure sur linoléum, Lithographie, Mezzotinte, Monotype, Papier mâché, Pastel, Crayon de couleur, Portrait, Portraits miniatures, Impression, Esquisse, Sérigraphie, Sérigraphie, Gravure sur pierre, Bloc de bois, Gravure sur bois, Document, Boîtes, Carte, Carton, Certificat, Correspondance, Acte notarié, Diplôme, Lettre, Enveloppe, Éventails, Carte géographique, Papier parchemin, Philatélie/Collection philatélique, Affiche, Scrapbook, Timbre, Pochoir, Vélin, Documents éphémères, Livret, Documents non reliés, Photographies, Album de photographies, Livres, Reliure, Reliure, d'une culture non-occidentale, Pharmacopée, Manuscrit, Incunable, Conservation préventive, Évaluation des installations, Évaluation des risques, Réorganisation de la mise en réserve, Climatisation, Éclairage, Planification des installations, Élaboration de programmes, Planification de la mise en réserve , Analyse des risques, Gestion des risques, Viabilité à long terme, Environnement, Normes de conservation, Science et technologie, Matériaux modernes