Three CAPC members were present in person in Lima to attend the IIC's 30th biennial Congress 'Sustainable Solutions in Conservation: New Strategies for New Times' took place in Lima, Peru, with future and solutions-focused round tables and technical sessions exploring key themes around education and collaboration, engaging communities, greener treatments, sustainable practice and more. Our member Dee Stubbs-Lee was part of the digital engagement team that wrote blog entries and articles throughout the conference. You can read more about it here:
As part of our new Member Spotlight Series, read about conservator of paintings Cyndie Lack's role in the 50th Anniversary of the AFA (Alberta Foundation for the Arts) and inclusion in a documentary video series
L'ACRP et l'ACCR ont collaboré à l’élaboration de cette enquête sur la rémunération afin de recueillir des informations sur la rémunération des restaurateurs(trices) et des personnes impliquées dans le soin du patrimoine culturel au Canada. Une enquête sur la rémunération n'a jamais été menée spécifiquement pour les professionnel(le)s de la conservation-restauration au Canada et elle a été rendue possible grâce au généreux soutien financier du Ministère du patrimoine canadien.
Emma Griffiths rend compte de sa participation au cours "Conservation of Transport and Industrial Collections," animé par Chris Knapp à West Dean College of Arts & Conservation,