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Katherine Potapova

Katherine was accredited in 2020 as a paper conservator. She is a graduate of the Master of Art Conservation program at Queen’s University. Since graduating, she has worked mainly at the Royal Alberta Museum and the Provincial Archives of Alberta. She does condition assessments and conservation treatments on archival documents and other paper-based items. Katherine’s services are offered in English. Katherine accepts private commissions only through the fee-for-service program at the Provincial Archives of Alberta Store and Client Services.

Provincial Archives of Alberta Store and Client Services
Edmonton, AB
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Works on Paper, Aquarelle, Estampe, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, Dessin, Oeuvre d'art, Gravure, Craie, Fusain, Aquatinte, Gouache, Encre, Gravure à l'eau forte, Impression en taille-douce, Estampe d'art inuit, Gravure sur linoléum, Lithographie, Mezzotinte, Monotype, Pastel, Crayon de couleur, Portrait, Portraits miniatures, Impression, Esquisse, Sérigraphie, Sérigraphie, Gravure sur pierre, Bloc de bois, Gravure sur bois, Document, Boîtes, Carte, Carton, Certificat, Correspondance, Acte notarié, Diplôme, Lettre, Enveloppe, Éventails, Carte géographique, Papier parchemin, Affiche, Scrapbook, Timbre, Pochoir, Vélin, Documents éphémères, Livret, Documents non reliés, Papier peint mural, Papier peint, tapisserie, Photographies, Album de photographies, Conservation préventive, Normes de conservation, Enseignement et formation, Communication