Vincent Dion
Accredited in 2022 as a conservator specializing in paper. Services in both English and French.
Agrément reçu en 2022, conservation-restauration des oeuvres en papier. Services offerts en français et en anglais.
Vincent received his Master’s Degree in Art Conservation from Queen’s University (2016) and has a background in analytical chemistry, art history and fashion design. He completed professional training in the United States and gained varied experience through projects abroad which included work with photographic materials and modern materials such as plastics encountered by paper conservators in archival collections and in contemporary artworks. Vincent enjoys problem-solving and working in collaboration with peers to find conservation solutions that respect the material integrity and life of objects, their intended use and original artistic qualities.
Private commissions are accepted: in person and remotely, and include consultation, assessments, conservation treatments as well as grant writing and research.