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Stephanie Porto

Stephanie Porto

Accredited in 2015, conservator in the category of Paper. Master of Arts and Certificate of Advanced Study in Art Conservation from Buffalo State College (2009). Interned at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2008-2009) and the Brooklyn Museum (2007). Owner and Paper Conservator at Niagara Art Conservation since 2010. Services include the preventive care and treatment of fine art and archival documents on paper, condition assessments, and collection surveys for private and institutional clients. Services provided in English. Currently on family leave.

Niagara Art Conservation
6379 Emma St
Niagara Falls, ON, L2J 4H2
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Works on Paper, Archival Document, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, d'une culture non occidentale, Aquarelle, Estampe, Dessin, Oeuvre d'art, Gravure, Craie, Fusain, Aquatinte, Gouache, Encre, Gravure à l'eau forte, Impression en taille-douce, Estampe d'art inuit, Gravure sur linoléum, Lithographie, Mezzotinte, Monotype, Papier mâché, Pastel, Crayon de couleur, Portrait, Portraits miniatures, Impression, Esquisse, Sérigraphie, Sérigraphie, Gravure sur pierre, Bloc de bois, Gravure sur bois, Document, Boîtes, Carte, Carton, Certificat, Correspondance, Acte notarié, Diplôme, Lettre, Enveloppe, Éventails, Carte géographique, Papier parchemin, Affiche, Scrapbook, Timbre, Pochoir, Vélin, Documents éphémères, Livret, Documents non reliés, Papier peint, tapisserie, Photographies, Album de photographies