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A. Jane Dosman

A. Jane Dosman

Accredited in 2015, paper conservator. Jane Dosman Paper Conservation is owned and operated by A. Jane Dosman. I received my Master's of Art Conservation, specializing in paper objects, from Queen's University in 2008. As a student I interned at Library and Archives Canada in Gatineau, Quebec, and at the Swiss National Library in Bern, Switzerland. Following my graduation from Queen's I spent a year training on an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I then went to Quebec City where I worked in the paper lab at the Centre de conservation du Quebec (CCQ) from 2009 - 2016. I am now located in Toronto where I am engaged in private practice. I serve on the CAPC Board of Directors in the capacity of treasurer.

Jane Dosman Paper Conservation
Toronto, ON
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Works on Paper, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, d'une culture non occidentale, Aquarelle, Estampe, Oeuvre d'art sur papier, Dessin, Oeuvre d'art, Gravure, Craie, Fusain, Aquatinte, Gouache, Encre, Gravure à l'eau forte, Impression en taille-douce, Estampe d'art inuit, Gravure sur linoléum, Lithographie, Mezzotinte, Monotype, Papier mâché, Pastel, Crayon de couleur, Portrait, Portraits miniatures, Impression, Esquisse, Sérigraphie, Sérigraphie, Gravure sur pierre, Bloc de bois, Gravure sur bois, Document, Boîtes, Carte, Carton, Certificat, Correspondance, Acte notarié, Diplôme, Lettre, Enveloppe, Éventails, Carte géographique, Philatélie/Collection philatélique, Affiche, Scrapbook, Timbre, Pochoir, Documents éphémères, Livret, Documents non reliés