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Halifax Vintage Paper Show

The following has been provided by member Michelle Landry

"Michelle Gallinger and I had a great time. Everyone was very friendly and there was a lot of
interest in conservation and the kind of work we do. We gave away almost all our CAPC
brochures and people were very interested to learn about the organization and the fact that
there was a place they could safely go to find conservators.

We had created some free magnets encouraging people to say "No" to sticky tape and they
were a great icebreaker. Everyone was entertained and a few people were puzzled until we
explained what they meant. We highly recommend something similar as a vehicle for

The display included illustrations of before and after as well as samples of various types of
protective housing. Essentially, general information on paper and art on paper conservation.

There was talk of making it an annual event. We would definitely be interested in attending
again, possibly on alternate years."