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Marianne Webb

Accredited in 2009, conservator with extensive experience specializing in lacquer, polychrome sculpture and objects. Honours B.A. in Fine Art, University of Toronto, 1976. Diploma, Art Conservation Techniques, Sir Sandford Fleming, 1982. Senior Conservator, Decorative Arts, Royal Ontario Museum1982-2010. Awarded Kress publication fellowship 1996. Guest Researcher, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1993, 1995. Guest Scholar, Getty Conservation Institute, 2014. Pioneered new conservation treatments and techniques in the field of both Asian and Western lacquer. Researched materials, techniques of manufacture and deterioration in lacquer, polychrome sculpture and objects.

Over thirty years of continuous professional publications, including Lacquer: Technology and Conservation (2000). Delivered lectures and seminars in North America, Europe and Asia. Worked with curators, heritage professionals and collectors to plan care of collections. Supervised and taught interns and volunteers for over 30 years. Currently provides services that include lectures, training, research and conservation treatments. Private commissions accepted.

Halfmoon Bay, BC
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Works on Paper, Papier mâché, Portraits miniatures, Paravents asiatiques, Éventails, Peintures, Cadres décoratifs, Cadres dorés, Conservation préventive, Réorganisation de la mise en réserve, Planification de la mise en réserve , Environnement, Normes de conservation, Arts décoratifs, Lacque, Verre, Céramique, Plâtre, Dorure, Intérieur historique, Reliquaires, Chandeliers, Bois, Bois polychrome, Bois doré, Sculpture en bois, Objet en bois, Artéfact en bois, Moulures, Mobilier, Miroir, Sculpture, Polychrome, Objets/Artefacts, Pierre, Matériaux indigène, Plume, Os, Corne, Perles, Piquants de porc-épic, Pipe, Cone à poudre, Arc, Flèches, Carquois, Bouclier, Bois