Programming Grant
The CAPC is supporting conservation programming in Canada by offering a grant to assist with meeting the expenses of providing advanced training opportunities for conservators. These include lectures, workshops and collective projects dealing with any aspect of conservation practice.
The applicant must be a member of CAPC and should be responsible for organizing and programming the event. Applications must be focused on advanced level training for experienced conservators, but students can participate in the activity as well. Programs must be planned and promoted to a large group of conservators. This entails advertising regionally and nationally where viable.
The maximum to be awarded in any year will be $1,000. Applicants must submit an application letter which provides a description of the activity, those involved in the organization of the activity, who will be delivering the program, the intended audience and all related costs.
The successful applicant will receive the amount requested prior to the activity date. All promotional content must clearly indicate that the CAPC (logo and full title) has provided funding in support of the activity. Within 2 months following the activity, the recipient must submit receipts/list of expenditures as specified in the application to cover the full amount of the grant along with any funds not used. The recipient must also submit to the CAPC board a 500-word report describing the activity. CAPC may use this report in print and on-line publications.
The selection and the amount of funding will be approved by the Board of Directors. Each year the Board of Directors will review and approve the continuation of the program and the funds available.
The application deadline is March 1st of each year. If no grant is awarded at that time, the next deadline will be June 1st of each year.
If you have any questions or comments about this program, please contact the CAPC Treasurer at treasurer@capc-acrp.ca.
Please send a signed and dated letter with the following information included:
- Name and contact information of applicant/coordinator of the activity.
- Names and contact information for the organizing committee members (if applicable).
- Name and description of activity. Please supply a summary of up to 500 words with details.
- Date(s) and location of activity.
- Names and brief description of backgrounds, or CVs of those delivering the program content.
- Number of participants.
- List of expenses: travel, venue, honorariums, fees, promotion, materials, etc.
- Other sources of income for the activity.
Send your application to:
Canadian Association of Professional Conservators
c/o Conservation
1865 St Laurent Blvd
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 6M7