The CAC-CAPC Compensation Survey has launched!
The CAC-CAPC Compensation Survey has launched!
The Canadian Association of Professional Conservators (CAPC) and Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property (CAC) have jointly developed this compensation survey to gather data on compensation for conservators and people involved in the care of cultural heritage in Canada. This is the first compensation survey specifically for conservation professionals in Canada. It has been made possible thanks to the generosity of funds from the Ministry of Canadian Heritage.
Link to the survey: LINK
Who can complete this survey?
- Anyone engaged in the field of conservation in Canada in 2023, including:
Those employed full-time or part-time in public institutions or private practice,
Those undertaking education or training,
Those undertaking unpaid or volunteer work
Those who previously studied or worked in conservation but have since left the field.
Respondents can include Canadians and permanent residents working and/or studying abroad.
Respondents are not limited to CAC and CAPC members.
In this survey, the term, “conservation,” defines “all actions aimed at the safeguarding of cultural heritage for the future. The purpose of conservation is to study, record, retain, and conserve as appropriate, the culturally significant qualities of an object with the least possible intervention. Conservation includes examination, documentation, preventive conservation, preservation, restoration, and reconstruction.” (CAC and CAPC Definitions).
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete for each job you held in 2023. If you held more than one job in 2023, you will be asked to respond to certain questions more than once. You will have an option to enter responses for up to three employment situations.
A PDF version of the survey is provided to give respondents an opportunity to review what questions are being asked before starting the survey: PDF.
Please refer to your 2023 tax information to complete income-related questions.
Link to the survey: LINK. Please share this survey with your current or former colleagues who may not be members of CAC and/or CAPC.
Our objectives are to:
Collect data about compensation for conservation work in Canada
Help individuals make informed decisions for themselves regarding whether their compensation is appropriate and commensurate with their training, experience and level of responsibilities
Create transparency and equity within the conservation field.
We are collecting data about the following aspects of compensation:
Salary, wages and their sources
Type of workplace
Type of position / job title
Geographic and demographic information
Workplace benefits
Unionization status
Years of employment in the field
Type of training
And other aspects of your work
CAC and CAPC respect the confidentiality of the information collected from this survey. All data will be compiled by an independent third party research firm, Bramm Research Inc, who will ensure that all responses will be analyzed and presented in an aggregate format so that specific details will not be tied to a particular individual, organization or institution.
The final survey report will be shared in the members-only sections of the CAC and CAPC websites. The survey results may be used in conservation advocacy efforts.
Questions in this survey were designed to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. If there are any questions that could not be filled or completed due to lack of accessibility, please email If you are experiencing technical difficulties and / or would prefer to remain anonymous, please contact Paul Stewart, the Bramm Research Inc. survey administrator (
Link to the survey: LINK