mars 22, 2020
L’Institut canadien de conservation a mis sur pied un groupe de travail pour traiter les questions concernant le soin des collections et le COVID-19
novembre 25, 2019
Marika rend compte de sa participation au congrès de l’année 2019 sur la conservation des textiles de l’Amérique du Nord, qui a eu lieu à Ottawa.
novembre 14, 2019
The Canadian Association for the Conservation of Cultural Property and the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators are pleased to announce the release of the Canadian Collections Care Survey Summary Report
novembre 4, 2019
An updated response to question on how to preserve tintype.
novembre 4, 2019
#AskAConservator question on what to be aware of when repairing clocks
novembre 4, 2019
#AskAConservator question on photos
novembre 4, 2019
#AskAConservator question on how to remove staining and discolouration from textiles
novembre 4, 2019
#AskAConservator question on museum documentation
novembre 3, 2019
#AskAConservator Day question on what is the most challenging thing you have had to conserve?
novembre 3, 2019
#AskAConservator question on how to preserve tintypes